Sunday 28 July to Saturday 3 August 2024 – Iyengar yoga Retreat at the Tardoun with Ophelia Oullie –

This retreat is intended for practitioners who already know the Iyengar method. They will allow you to deepen your practice in an evolutionary way according to your needs and your current level. (from intermediate level/level 2)


Arrival on Sunday evening, we dine together and departure after lunch on Saturday. The program: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30/11:30 (Advanced practice)  and/or 16:30/19:00 (Practice with everyone) – Wednesday and Saturday 8:00/9:30 (Pranayam with everyone) and 10:00/12:00 (Practice with everyone++)

The rates: This Year Two options: either “the entire retreat” 750€ or, “The light formula” with all afternoons and mornings of Wednesday and Saturday 640€ (the prices will included teaching, accommodation, and meals)


Infos & Resa: Centre Yoga Precision Menton – 5 rue Victor Hugo – 3rd floor
Booking: contact us or 06 74 50 60 57

Ateliers and Sundays workshops with Ophelia Oullie at Menton – 2024/25

Practice Mornings 9h15/11h45

Monday 30 September

Friday 15 November

(All levels – Prices : 2 classes with your card or 40€)

Sundays Workshops 9h30/12h30 and 14h/16h

19 January

16 March

(70€ all Day – 50€ Morning – 30€ Afternoon)

These workshops are intended for practitioners who have just started in September or who are already familiar with the Iyengar method. They will allow you to deepen your practice in an evolutionary way according to your needs and your current level.

Centre Yoga Precision Menton – 5 rue Victor Hugo – 3rd floor
Booking: contact us or 06 74 50 60 57

Save the Date: Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November 2024 at Tours with Ophelia

This course is open to all Iyengar yoga practitioners from the 2nd year of practice. 

Save the date, we will send you the registration form soon. 

We look forward to meeting you/us for a beautiful shared practice, in joy and kindness.

The Atoury team

The ATOURY association, made up of volunteers, all practicing at the Iyengar Yoga Center in Tours, offers each year one or two practice courses over a weekend. The courses take place in a suitable room at the Palais des sports in Tours, in the heart of the city, and are extended on Saturday evening with a moment of conviviality for those who wish.

Association Tourangelle des Rencontres de Yoga 
17, rue de Vildé 37100 Tours