Sunday 28 July to Saturday 3 August 2024 – Iyengar yoga Retreat at the Tardoun with Ophelia Oullie –

This retreat is intended for practitioners who already know the Iyengar method. They will allow you to deepen your practice in an evolutionary way according to your needs and your current level. (from intermediate level/level 2)


Arrival on Sunday evening, we dine together and departure after lunch on Saturday. The program: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30/11:30 (Advanced practice)  and/or 16:30/19:00 (Practice with everyone) – Wednesday and Saturday 8:00/9:30 (Pranayam with everyone) and 10:00/12:00 (Practice with everyone++)

The rates: This Year Two options: either “the entire retreat” 750€ or, “The light formula” with all afternoons and mornings of Wednesday and Saturday 640€ (the prices will included teaching, accommodation, and meals)


Infos & Resa: Centre Yoga Precision Menton – 5 rue Victor Hugo – 3rd floor
Booking: contact us or 06 74 50 60 57